Monday 30 May 2011

Au revoir track rods!

Good and bad progress this morning

I have tried to move the bolt on the rear brake drum- with no success. I have heated it, and tried to move it- but it won't budge. I just can't get the leverage with a regular screw driver - I need something with a wider blade. The offending item:

While it wasn't raining this morning, I managed to clean up a number of items- including the fan, fan holder the ait pipe intake and the other components attached. I have put this in the box with all the other items ready for painting and reconnection! You can also see the flywheel teeth set that needs to go on. We need to break the tractor to get this in- which we need to remove the track rods. We couldn't manage this on the weekend- so I thought I would turn my attention to the track rods.

The track rods were completely seized onto the front 'axle'. I didn't really know how these connected- but Dan insisted they were bolted down on to the cast swing arm off the wheel. So I took this approach, I managed to unscrew the lower bolt and then spray on the penetrative fluid- waited a few minutes then started to tap the top of the wheel area while holding the track rod.

It wasn't budging and I tapped away for a good 20 mins with no success.

I managed to borrow a small blow torch to try the rear bolt- so I figured I would give the track rod connection a little heat. I set it quite low and just moved it around the connection for say 30 secs/1 min. I then went back to the tapping. With three taps, it flicked right out!! YES!!!

I started the same process on the right hand track rod- this took about an hour of heating and tapping. I was pretty confident, and eventually it tapped out. 

When I actually had a look at the connection, the track rod connection is tapered downwards. So I can now understand why it became so jammed over the time it has been connected. I guess the heat just loosens up the connection. I have tried to take a close up shot, to show this. 

So great news on the whole splitting of tractor. I am now going to organise with Dan to help out and get the new teeth on. I have had a look at the started motor and it's teeth are also worn away- am not sure if they are meant to be like this, or even if you can replace the teeth. A new starter motor is very expensive and am looking to avoid replacing it. I have a photo of the starter motor below. If anyone thinks this can be replaced/or needs to be replaced, please get in contact with me. I would ideally just change the teeth.

So am fairly pleased with this morning's progress. Still concerned about the rear wheel drum, but am confident I can overcome!

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